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Get your Brand Noticed at Festivals with Promotional Giveaways

Date posted: 13th July 2022 in Seasonal

Last updated: 14th October 2022

We all love entertainment, gathering friends and family and sharing fun-filled moments. With many festivals coming up across Australia such as music festivals, outdoor show days, and more events, this is the perfect season to get your brand noticed with promotional giveaways while Aussies get into the party spirit.

If you would like inspiration on what branded merchandise to purchase we’ve created a list of our top 5 to help you:

Power Banks

Be the life-saving brand to any millennial with promotional power banks! Power banks have come a long way, these handy gadgets are inexpensive and come in compact and portable designs, with enough printing area to accommodate what you wish to convey to your chosen market.

Drawstring Backpack

Create your walking billboard with these valuable festival promotional items! Give festival goers the ultimate giveaway, one which will hide all the other branded festival giveaways they collect over the event! Drawstring backpacks occupy a sweet spot somewhere in the middle of the cool spectrum — practical and convenient while maintaining visibility. Some of the most recommended materials for these backpacks are cotton, canvas, and nylon.

Water Bottles

Festival goers are prone to dehydration due to heat. This is your brand’s chance to be a good Samaritan by providing promotional water bottles. Normally these festivals have free water stations on site where guests can refill their containers. Men and women need 3.7 and 2.7 litres of water, respectively, to stay hydrated daily. On days of increased physical strain and heat, the amount of water drank should ideally increase. All the dancing and jumping at festivals can dehydrate you quickly, so ensure everyone has a supply of much-needed H2O. Here your bottles and tumblers can be lifesavers.


Festival goers will find promotional lanyards very useful during the event. They can use these lanyards for their ticket, or as ID cards. They can also hold flash drives and other important items, such as IDs and keys. To ensure that your lanyard recipients will wear them, do not scrimp on material and design. Post-festival, these lanyards will remain useful too. 


Perfect for promotions and outdoor events, our promotional sunglasses can help protect all festival goers from the bright sunshine whilst enjoying their favourite music. A fun promotional item, sunglasses are convenient and functional ensuring everyone's eyes are drawn to your brand while you're chatting with a friend, family member, or event organiser.

Strengthen your brand perception with promotional products

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