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Home /  Blog / Seasonal / Why You Should Start Ordering Your Branded Christmas Gifts Now

Why You Should Start Ordering Your Branded Christmas Gifts Now

11th July 2024 in Seasonal

It may seem far away, but before you know it, the Christmas season will be upon us once again, and you don’t want to be caught without a branded gift to offer to your valued customers, favourite business partners and beloved employees

Branded Christmas gifts are an excellent way to show appreciation and keep your company top of mind. And make sure you don’t leave ordering your Christmas haul until the last minute – why cause yourself added stress, potentially higher costs, and fewer options when you could get it all done now? Here’s why you should start ordering your branded Christmas gifts today:

1. Avoid the Rush

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for promotional product companies. By planning ahead, you can avoid the last-minute rush and ensure that your gifts arrive on time. Early ordering means you can take your time to choose the perfect gifts without the pressure of looming deadlines.

2. More Choice

When you start early, you have a wider selection of products to choose from. Popular items often sell out quickly, especially during the holiday season. By ordering now, you can pick from the best selection and ensure you get the items that best represent your brand and appeal to your recipients.

3. Customisation and Personalisation

Branded gifts are all about making an impression. When you order early, you have ample time to customise and personalise your gifts. Whether it’s adding your logo, selecting specific colours, or including a personal message, early planning allows for these thoughtful touches. This extra effort can significantly enhance the perceived value of your gifts.

4. Cost Savings

Procrastination can be costly. As demand increases closer to the holidays, prices for both products and shipping can rise. Ordering now means you can take advantage of off-peak pricing and avoid expedited shipping fees. Additionally, many suppliers offer early-bird discounts for orders placed well in advance.

5. Stress Reduction

The holidays should be a time of joy, not stress. By getting your gift orders out of the way early, you can focus on other aspects of your holiday preparations. This not only ensures that your gifts are handled professionally and without errors but also allows you to enjoy the holiday season with less anxiety.

6. Guaranteed Delivery

Supply chain issues and shipping delays can be a significant problem during the holiday season. By placing your orders now, you mitigate the risk of late deliveries and disappointed recipients. Early planning ensures that your gifts will be delivered on time, no matter where they need to go.

7. Better Marketing Strategy

Branded Christmas gifts are a powerful marketing tool. By planning ahead, you can integrate your gifts into a broader holiday marketing strategy. This might include coordinated social media campaigns, holiday cards, or special events. A well-thought-out approach maximises the impact of your gifts and reinforces your brand message.

8. Environmental Considerations

Many companies are now looking for eco-friendly gift options. If sustainability is a priority for your brand, ordering early gives you the time to find and customise environmentally responsible products. This can further enhance your brand’s reputation and appeal to eco-conscious clients and employees.

Branded Christmas gifts are a strategic investment in your relationships with clients, employees, and partners. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Begin your holiday gift planning today to ensure a smooth, successful, and joyous holiday season.

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