Date posted: 15th June 2022 in Green
Last updated: 7th October 2022
In AUS we use 2.7 million disposable coffee cups and 10 million plastic straws every day. Research indicates that by the year 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Be the change your brand needs and invest in reusable coffee cups today!
Eco-products have grown in recent years and as an official supplier of sustainable promotional merchandise, we want to encourage you to put your brand into action. You can significantly reduce your office’s environmental footprint with just a few small changes. Every business has the responsibility of being aware of the Eco impact they are having upon the planet. When plastic does make it into the ocean it breaks down into smaller parts known as “microplastics” rather than biodegrading or dissolving, polluting the water and killing marine life. Over 1 million seabirds die each year from ingesting plastic. Scientists at the UGA New Materials Institute conducted a new study that discovered microplastic particles smaller than dust or powdered sugar inside baby sea turtles. Of the turtles studied in this research, 100% were found to have eaten plastic. Then, when you see your company logo branded on reusable coffee cups promotes a green impact and concern for the environment. Get this chance and show the world your company promote sustainability today!
Few people realise that straws are among the top 10 items found during beach cleans. Most plastic straws are too lightweight to make it through the mechanical recycling sorter. They are too small to separate and because of this usually end up in landfills. Due to being exposed to the elements where due to their lightweight nature, end up blown into bodies of water. Although plastic straws are small items, they still take thousands of years to break down, which seems preposterous considering that they are only used for a few minutes during the intake of one beverage, before being tossed aside without an afterthought for their future journey after their solo use. As an item of convenience for the vast majority of us, we believe in swapping the single-use plastic straw for a reusable one. Our custom reusable straws are dishwasher safe as well as rust and scratch proof. We offer them in regular sizes as well as large ones intended for smoothies.
It is estimated that 1 billion disposable coffee cups are used every year by Australians. Approximately 2,700,000 paper coffee cups are thrown out every day!
Most of these cups end up in landfills or as litter, as the majority of these ‘disposable’ or ‘recyclable’ coffee cups cannot be recycled due to their plastic lining. In fact, the plastic lining in your morning coffee cup will outlive you! It takes 30 years for the plastic lining to fragment, then 500 years for it to break down completely- and that is still only if the plastic has the perfect environmental conditions to decompose. Making the switch to branded reusable coffee cups is not only kind to the planet but kind to your wallet. More and more coffee shops are offering money off your beverage if you bring your own cup. There are no excuses for single-use, so what are you waiting for? Make the switch now with promotional reusable drinkware!
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