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Home /  Blog / Branding Advice / Australian Events Planner – Your Ultimate Guide 2023

Australian Events Planner – Your Ultimate Guide 2023

15th February 2023 in Branding Advice

Celebrations and events are always a great opportunity to promote your company  — especially when you choose the right promotional item.

Over the last few years, the demand for events has grown significantly, which means more space to get brand visibility. Whether you want to reach a more diverse audience, refine your target audience or crush your marketing goals in 2023, these commemorative dates are a way to capture potential customers every time you offer a promotional item.

We've compiled a list of festivals, bank holidays and celebrations in Australia that you can use as part of advertising materials. Don’t miss out on these days in your next marketing campaign to boost your brand!

January 2003

Jan 1: New Year’s Day
Jan 8: Clean Off Your Desk Day
Jan 26: Australia Day
Jan 22 (2023): Chinese New Year

February 2023

Feb 2: Groundhog Day
Feb 4: World Cancer Day
Feb 9: National Pizza Day
Feb 14: Valentine’s Day
Feb 28: Rare Disease Day

March 2023

Mar 1: Clean up Australia Day
Mar 3: World Wildlife Day
Mar 8: International Women’s Day
Mar 13: Canberra Day
Mar 17: St Patricks Day
Mar 20: International Day of Happiness
Mar 25 (2023): Earth Hour

April  2023

Apr 11: National Pet Day
Apr 20: International Dance Day
Apr 20: Get to Know Your Customers Day
Apr 25: ANZAC Day
Apr 27: Denim Day

May  2023

May 1: Labour Day
May 6: King Charles III Coronation
May 8: Cinco de Mayo
May 14: Mother’s Day
May 16-22: National Volunteer Week
May 16: Barbecue Day
May 19: National Ride2Work Day
May 21: International Tea Day
May 28: Hamburger Day
May 25: National Wine Day

June  2023

June 1-30: Pride Month
Jun 2: Leave the Office Early Day
Jun 5: World Environment Day
Jun 8: World Oceans Day
Jun 14: World Blood Donor Day
Jun 21: National Selfie Day
Jun 17: Surfing Day
Jun 25: National Camp Day

July  2023

Jul 1: International Joke Day
Jul 7: World Chocolate Day
Jul 3-10: NIADOC Week
Jul 15: Give Something Away Day
Jul 30: National Tree Day

August 2023

Aug 4: International Beer Day
Aug 20–26: Book Week
Aug 12: Middle Childs Day
Aug 13: Lefthanders Day
Aug 13: City2Surf (Sydney)
Aug 23: Daffodil Day

September 2023

Sept 4: Father’s Day
Sept 5: International Day of Charity
Sept 9: Talk Like a Pirate Day
Sept 10: R U OK Day

October 2023

Oct 1-30: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Oct 1: Coffee Day
Oct 15: Melbourne Marathon Festival
Oct 16: Boss’s Day
Oct 27: National Teachers Day
Oct 31: Halloween
Oct 29: National Kangaroo Awareness Day

November 2023

Nov 11: Remembrance Day
Nov 15: Clean Out Your Fridge Day
Late Nov: Aus Music T-Shirt Day
Nov 24: Black Friday Sales

December 2023

Dec 15: Cupcake Day
Dec 21: Crossword Puzzle Day
Dec 25: Christmas
Dec 26: Boxing Day

Need some ideas for your event or celebration? At EverythingBranded we make your ideas come to life! We are focused on providing fantastic branded merchandise to make your event more memorable and your customers happier. For the most important sporting or cultural events, explore our page. To order promotional products, contact us today!

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